By Royal Proclamation #SignUp2024(a) you are hereby requested to assist your Kings!

Please help your Kings by providing up-to-date and accurate contact details on yourself and others you know.

STEP #1) PLAY A SOUND TRACK(S) from the list to the right.
It will help get you in the mood (optional but highly recommended)!

STEP #2) “FOLLOW” us on our official Facebook page:
DON’T skip this step – do it now! (If you don’t use FB you are exempt).
Many of you are using a paintball focused fan created page (from a loyal Knight) and not our official FB page.
OFFICIAL: The Knights of Nee
FAN PAGE: Northwest Knights of Nee

STEP #3) Complete the form below.

There will be a lot of exciting news that you will want to hear in the coming months but our old contact database is grossly out of date and thus you may miss-the-boat on receiving notifications. We need your help please to update your contact information. Further, as we plan and prepare for future initiations there will be lots of opportunities for volunteering. You may have a special set of skills (cue Liam Neeson), or materials and/or a truck or storage area that will benefit our next big, might I say “EPIC” event! Let us know.


Songs from Princeton

Careful, listening to these might make you cry!

I'm on my way to the Knights of Nee(Minstrells Meg & Janet)