Before my husband and I got to know The Knights our lives seemed socially void. We had few friends, no life outside the house, and the only name calling we heard was “Mom!” and “Dad!”. Last year my husband, who is already a Knight, convinced my to attend the Princeton event. Today we are better known as ‘The Druid’ and future Scum. That’s right. This year I’m going to be initiated! What can I say, life is wonderful because of the Knights of Nee.
Driving the lower mainland for a living, I see lots of people. The other day while cruising past Metrotown I hear, NEE! I quickly look about and see a Knight waving to me. I wave and NEE back at him and continue on my way. Shortly there after, at an intersection, the car next to me honks. I look over, it’s another Knight. NEE and off I go. Not an hour later, stopped at another light, the call comes out NEE! Sure enough it’s a brave Knight. This was great seeing every one NEEing at me, but wait! On my way out of Vancouver some one is honking at me again. I peer into my rear view mirror and see King Robb and Todd. As a Knight, you’re not alone.
I traveled from afar (from Maui, Hawaii) to witness the great Festival of Nee. I was picturing a frat house, but received group support, chivalry, and cheers of “Spin her, Spin her!” It was rather dramatic – in a make believe way. Everyone at the gathering was new to me, and everyone was very polite and lots of fun. I’ll be back. I miss my Kings, Knights, and Ladies. Once you’re initiated into the great order of the Knights of Nee, no one can take that away from you! Aloha kuu ipos!
This club is ageless, I wish I was. Talk about the old sayings THE ASYLUM IS RUN BY THE INMATES this group is run by 5 KINGS who make the nutty professor look like he should win the Nobel Prize for Inventor of the Century. After 2 years of being a spectator at the Princeton Initiations, 8 years ago my wife (The Caretaker) and I (The Mentor) were knighted and became mature but active members of the shenanigans. It is not essential that you are crazy to join the club but it is a definite asset. See you in Princeton.
Hi my name is sparrow. Well that’s my new Knight name. My real name is Robin. The things I like about Princeton the most are: I like making sure the King’s are fine. Watching the initiations always makes me laugh. Last year I drove the Royal Mint go-cart. It was fun. At Princeton initiations you can earn Scum bucks and spend them at the casino or you can pay scum to push your go-cart. I can hardly wait for Princeton 1999. See you there. NEE!
We started as a business sponsor and were immediately drawn by the enjoyment of the participants. After joining the Knight’s and partaking of the fun and excitement, we wanted to return year after year despite the 1500 miles from LA to enjoy the companionship and commotion. The fun gets better every year as we all grow in maturity and friendship. Princeton is a habit worth starting.
I was a little apprehensive about going to Princeton as I knew only two Knights and I was sure I would receive ‘an initiation from Hell!’. To my surprise, I returned home with over 150 “Pals 4 Life” and my initiation scared the audience more than me. Now I’ll travel from Calgary every year, cause there ain’t nothin’ like Da Knights of NEE!!